Thursday, November 4, 2010

A little note about enthusiasm and where I get it from…

I once had a boss ask me how I was able to come back to work after a bad day with a smile on my face and an enthusiastic demeanor. He said to me, “There are times I was worried you’d put in your resignation letter, but then you’d come back in and be ready to tackle another day.”

I blame my mom for my hard work ethic, but also for my ability to turn around a tough situation. Sure, I may come home and act emotional and pout around, but then, a spark ignites! A little ember builds up inside: A Challenge.

When I’m down about something I often think back to a “difficult” assignment in 5th grade. I went to an elementary school where 98% of my classmate’s parents were extremely conservative. Our history teacher assigned us with a project to create poster presentation about a president, but we had to draw out of a hat the president we were going to report on.

The tension built as each person stepped up and pulled a name out. (Really tension? Okay fifth grade tension...remember how that felt?) I remember holding my breath and then feeling the tears burn my eyes when everyone laughed. I had pulled out the current president, Bill Clinton (I know funny now, considering I think he was a pretty great president).  At the time, I was humiliated, crushed, tortured, and over dramatic (no surprise there). I hated to be laughed at, not to mention, ‘how was a perfectionist supposed to do her job when there probably wasn’t very much information published yet?’

I came home, frustrated and embarrassed. My mom, (who I didn’t know at that time, was one of the 2% who voted for President Clinton in our community) quickly told me to put my chin up and get into the mini-van. We were headed to the library…and then another library, and then another one, until we had collected enough photo copies and notes to write a lifetime biography on the president.

Then it was off to the store to get the materials for the best, (excuse me French) “damn poster my fifth grade class had ever seen.” “If those kids are going to laugh, we’ll give them something to laugh about.” See where I get the fire? As for my project…it turned out to be the most beautiful and informative poster any fifth grade class had ever seen. I got an A+! We showed those skeptics! (Although now that I think about it, my teacher was a single, 40-something body builder… she probably was part of the 2% as well…).

The moral of the story “get back up again and knock their socks off!” I’m thankful for the awesome example my mom gave me that day and every day. It’s made me a better employee, friend and hopefully a mom someday!

Sidenote: Even we positive enthusiasts need a little encouragement every now and then. I stumbled across this interesting website today called It has a really cool article on how to keep being enthusiastic…. Just thought I’d share:

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