Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Snow

Snow is nothing unique to Omaha's long winter season. Growing up in the Midwest, snow is about as novel an idea as meat and potatoes, however, this morning my husband told me I was acting like it was the first time I'd ever seen snow.

I'm not looking forward to shoveling, wiping off my black pants, donning snow boots and constantly cleaning off little paws, but I still get an excited feeling at seeing the first snow of the season. The leaves haven't had a chance to fall off the trees, flowers are still placed sporatically in front yards and the white fluffy stuff makes it all look beautiful.

So, as we say goodbye to wearing sandals and no socks (sigh) and hello to swishy boots and mittens, let's also say thanks for the perfect photo opportunity and hope for some warm temperatures still in October, before it's permanently white.

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